Wherever stage you’re at, I can help you along your grant writing journey.
What’s a grant? I can help introduce you to the world of grants and set you up to start thinking about the kind of grants you’d like to strive for.
I want to make my grant better. The economical choice! Once you’ve written your grant, I can go over it, making edits & suggestions. l can explain how your writing can be improved for future grants
I hate writing! I can assist with copy writing, including video calls to discuss the project, find how to most eloquently and effectively put it onto the page
English is not my first language. I have reduced rates for those whose first language is other than English
Successful clients have landed opportunities with:
Nuit Blanche City Sponsored Installations
The Banff Centre for the Arts Residencies
Toronto Arts Council grants
Ontario Arts Council grants
And more: Artist statements, applications and proposals, resumes, cover letters and copyediting for books of poetry and prose.
Writing, copyediting, reviewing grants and applications: 50.00/hour
English as a second language rate: 40.00/hour
Akin Collective Member Rate: 40.00/hour